
Welcome to the Sodbusters Horseshoe Club!

Located in Bristol Vermont - the gateway to the Green Mountains!

Sodbusters Horseshoe Club is an NHPA-sanctioned league club, and hosts several tournaments throughout the year. We have 16 lighted clay pitching courts. We are located at 110 Airport Drive (the road to Mt. Abraham Union High School). Our pits are right behind the Bristol American Legion.

Our league plays on Tuesday nights at 6:30PM (with a 30-minute warm-up period beforehand) **. We utilize the "count-all" scoring method, where all points are counted. Each pitcher will throw 40 horseshoes per game, with 3 games per night.

** In the event of inclement weather, league play will be rescheduled as needed.


League dues are $40 (for full-time pitchers), and includes club membership, or $25 if you just want to be a league sub and club member. Junior league and membership fees are $10.  A club-only membership (non-league) is $15.


If you would like to join our league, you will also need to be a member of the NHPA to play -- membership to the NHPA allows you to also play in any sanctioned tournaments.  Annual NHPA dues are $30.  You can join or renew on the NHPA Website.

Please feel free to stop by when we're having a tournament!  Just look for our sign!